Self-Care Strategies for Your Employees

The pandemic made us all acutely aware of how little self-care we provide for ourselves. It also provided a significant chance for people to calm down and experiment with self-care as a strategy to cope with lockdowns. Now that many people are returning to work, it is critical to continue such behaviors.

Do you need to improve your self-care game or assist your staff in doing so?

Here are self-care practices that any employee may benefit from.

Deep breathing exercises

Your breathing pattern alters when your body is under a lot of stress. When you are nervous, you may begin to take shallow breaths, which might result in poor oxygen levels since you take fewer breaths and use your shoulders rather than your diaphragm. Anxiety can exacerbate physical signs of stress if you are hyperventilating. Learning to manage your breathing might make you feel more relaxed and less stressed.

When to try it: Deep breathing exercises are beneficial at any time of day when you are feeling stressed. Take a deep breath or two before entering a tense meeting or phone conversation. Are you stuck in traffic and rushing late? To keep your cool while driving, try a series of breathing exercises.


The importance of human socialization for us has become clear during the last year. This self-care approach might help you prevent feelings of loneliness and isolation by adding socializing events to your calendar. Making sure you spend quality time with excellent individuals at your social occasions may help you lift your spirits in the correct manner. Setting limits and practicing reaching out to others is an excellent kind of social self-care.

When to try it: Have you seen a close friend in a long time? It’s time to go out to lunch or get a cup of coffee. Consider reaching out to friends and coworkers in ways other than texting. Have it if you can do video chats and meet them in person! Find the ideal balance for you.


Anyone, at any moment, can begin a meditation practice. The best part is that it doesn’t have to look the same as everyone else’s. Sometimes meditation involves praying or writing in a journal. It is not always possible to sit in silence. At times, it may appear to be a walk in the woods. Meditation is just a period of silence and serenity during which you may sit with your thoughts. It enables you to make mental space and learn to be content just by existing.

When to try it: When you have several minutes of undisturbed quiet time, it is preferable to attempt meditation. You may give it a go during your lunch break. It might also imply going for a walk after a long meeting to appreciate the sounds of nature. Do it when you have a few minutes alone and feel the urge to get away from the stress of work.

Create End-of-Day Rituals

Because of the epidemic, it was impossible to discern between professional and personal situations. As a result of their continual state of being “on,” many workers rapidly burnt out. Make it a point to employ an end-of-day ritual as a self-care approach every day. Your body and mind will become accustomed to this pattern, and you may even begin to look forward to it. Get into the habit of doing something every day, whether it’s going to your evening yoga class immediately after work or tidying up your desk before you log off.

When to try it: You can set up rituals for both the beginning and end of your day. In the morning, you may try reading a positive self-help book while enjoying your coffee. In the evening, it may look like putting on your favorite pair of cozy socks and reading a book before heading to bed. Do what feels good and helps you feel relaxed and ready to go into the next day with a good attitude.