The Massive Benefits Internal Events Bring to Companies

You can’t create an organization that is solid, successful, and progressive without investing in its most important asset, its people. One effective (and fun!) way to do this is by organizing internal events that bring employees and leaders together. There are many reasons why well-managed internal events have such a significant impact on both large and small companies. Let’s take a look at the main organizational benefits they can bring. 

Higher engagement

Increasingly competitive business environments have resulted in organizations having to focus on hitting targets and KPIs and, sometimes in doing so, they can neglect the human factor. Inevitably, over a period of time, this has a negative impact on the company, and – paradoxically – reduces productivity and efficiency. Why? Because people don’t feel valued. Because there is little time for employees to develop interpersonal relationships, achieve a better work-life balance, and reduce their stress levels. Commonly, in larger organizations, it results in a lack of communication, trust, and collaboration. Investing time and money into regular internal events is a great way to counter this because bringing employees together creates a bond between employees and employers. It provides the opportunity to get to know each other personally, rather than just professionally. This builds mutual understanding, regard, and, eventually, trust. Also, employees absorb the values of the organization that treats them well… so when they feel valued and included, their morale is boosted. Ultimately, employees take more pride in their work and in the brand they represent.

Increased productivity  

Aligning an entire workforce with company values and encouraging them to become closer creates another knock-on benefit. When people feel like a team, they are more likely to collaborate and work towards a common goal (whereas when people feel like a mere cog in a machine, they quickly lose heart and do the minimal amount). Therefore, by building bonds and mutual respect employees will begin to work better together and will be encouraged to seek out better procedures, have better ideas, and want to do more. The result? A more focused and creative team emerges… and this can only mean one thing: increased productivity.

Better retention

One of the major challenges for employers today is keeping employees. Poor employee retention is costly as it requires more investment in recruitment and high staff rotation is incredibly disruptive to operations. Retaining employees have little to do with salaries, it’s about the totality of what they receive from their employers. Only happy, well cared for employees are highly motivated and remain loyal to their companies. These days, they want more quality time with their families and more recreation to reduce stress and increase well-being. So, by treating them to events that are fun, mindful, or educational, an employer can show that they value their employees and take an active interest in their health and wellness. Teams will begin to appreciate their leaders all the more for this and, externally, the company will become a much more attractive employer.

Internal events may be more time and cash-consuming than employers consider them to be worth, but as we’ve explored above, the payoffs actually massively outweigh the investment made. The takeaway:  Any employer wishing to raise their company’s productivity, retention, and employee engagement needs to start investing in internal events.