7 Must-Have Tests for Men to Lead a Healthy Life

As part of its ‘MENtion It‘ health campaign, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi conducted a men’s health survey and reported some fascinating findings. 

The survey included men from different ethnicities and backgrounds and revealed out of 1000 men surveyed, 40% have never seen a doctor for a health check, and two in five men have never been for a general checkup.

Similarly, the survey also found that 57% of men would only visit a doctor if they thought they were seriously ill and blamed their busy work life for not visiting doctors. Surprisingly, 21 percent said they were scared of what the doctors would find, and 12% of men were too embarrassed to see a doctor. 

Regularly seeing a doctor for a health checkup has a number of advantages, including a lower risk of becoming ill, early detection of potentially life-threatening health disorders or diseases, increased chances of treatment and cure, longer lifetime, and enhanced health.

Preventive health exams help men live in a healthy environment. Here are several tests you should get done right away if you want to live a healthy life.

#1. Check your blood sugar levels. 

Monitoring your blood sugar levels allows you to see if you’re on track to accomplish your glucose goals and lessen the unpleasant symptoms of high and low blood sugar.

Men should get their glucose levels checked often to reduce their chances of developing a serious cardiac disease. Diet and exercise can help you better control the symptoms of diabetes in its early stages or a diabetic propensity. If lifestyle changes aren’t enough, your doctor may prescribe oral medicines or insulin.

#2. PSA test

According to research, one out of every seven men will have prostate cancer. PSA screening, such as a blood test for prostate-specific antigen and digital rectal exams, may help discover prostate cancer early, when it is easier to treat. If a person has a family history of prostate cancer or has no known history, testing should be done at the age of 40. All males between the ages of 50 and 70 must get tested at least once a year.

#3. Colonoscopy 

Colonoscopy screening aids in the detection of pre-cancerous polyps, allowing surgeons to remove them before they become cancerous. Screening tests can also detect colorectal cancer early, which aids in treating cancer in its early stages. If a person has no family history of colon cancer, a Colonoscopy screening is best done at the age of 50; after that, it’s best to take future colonoscopies every 3 to 10 years based on the results of each colonoscopy.

#4. Check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. 

Keeping track of your blood pressure and cholesterol can help you avoid heart disease. High blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke in men, and excessive cholesterol is linked to major cardiovascular issues. So, starting at the age of 20, get your blood pressure, and cholesterol levels examined every three to five years, and then once a year after 50.

#5. Echocardiogram 

Your doctor can use an echocardiogram to see if all sections of the heart wall are involved in the heartbeat. This test also aids in the diagnosis of a variety of heart diseases, including 

  • Coronary artery disease 
  • Lower chambers with large or thick ventricles 
  • Problems with heart valves and heart muscles 
  • Heart problems that have been present since birth, such as blood clots or tumors 

An echocardiogram can detect any severe heart damage if you have a family history of cardiac illness, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure.

#6. Thyroid test 

Thyroid testing identifies the causes of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Hormones produced by the thyroid glands regulate body metabolisms such as weight, temperature, and energy. Any changes in these hormones have an impact on a person’s life, causing weight gain, weariness, and lethargy. Doctors recommend a thyroid test to test thyroid function. A thyroid that is hyperactive or underactive might be treated with medication.

#7. Test for liver enzymes 

The alkaline phosphatase liver enzymes in the blood are measured in this test. Increased levels of liver enzymes indicate that the liver cells have been damaged or inflamed. Over-the-counter drugs, inflammatory diseases, thyroid abnormalities, alcohol intake, obesity, and toxins all have the potential to raise liver enzymes. To maintain a healthy liver, males should get their liver enzymes examined.

Bonus tip: Lung screenings

Lung cancer screening detects the presence of the disease at an early stage when it is more likely to be cured. According to studies, cancer screening lowers the risk of dying from lung cancer as lung cancer usually begins to show signs and symptoms in advanced stages and does not respond to treatment. About 90% of patients with lung cancer are due to smoking; the other 10% have a genetic predisposition or have been exposed to secondhand smoke or caustic chemicals.

Make an effort to live a healthier lifestyle. 

Working out three to four times a week, including a combination of aerobic and weight training, eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and quitting smoking can help men avoid disease. Additionally, limiting excessive alcohol consumption and resting for at least 7 hours per night improves your overall well-being. 

Please visit our Corporate Sports page or contact us if you require more health advice.