Author Archives: Azamat

Want to help your company? Engage with others! Or How engaging with other companies helps yours

We know how important internal engagement is to build relationships and enhance positivity and productivity...

The Massive Benefits Internal Events Bring to Companies

You can’t create an organization that is solid, successful, and progressive without investing in its...

Employee Engagement – Medicine for any organization

If it’s the people that make the organization, company success is dependent on having a...

Corporate Wellness and the COVID-19 pandemic

Investment in corporate wellness can be seen in any program created to encourage healthier lifestyle...

Employee Wellness – An employee’s perspective

Recently, we covered the importance of employee wellbeing from a CEO’s perspective. Taken from this...

Achieving work/life balance in 2021

By now, we all understand the importance of a balanced lifestyle and the consequences (mental,...

The Importance of Employee Wellbeing – A CEO’s Perspective

Employee wellbeing is vital for any organization to achieve success and growth, so, as a...

7 Healthy Snack Ideas for Busy People

What you eat during a ‘snack attack’ can have a significant impact on your health....

Creating a Positive Workplace for Employee Mental Health

As employees, receiving reward and recognition when we perform well makes us feel acknowledged and...

What is Office Hygiene: 5 Tips for Maintaining Hygiene in the Workplace

You yearn for those carefree days, where you threw caution to the winds and lived...